Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Custom Glitter Text

Today Madison, Hannah  and I decided that for passion time we were going to  Waikiwi vet to look at what a vet does for a day. We are going to go there next Tuesday in my mum's car at about 10.20 and are staying there for about a hour. 

 I did the variation key with Alana. Our group had to come up with
more than thirteeen ideas for ways to communicate without talking. We came up with eighteen.

Soon I am going to disect a eye ball!

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Plant Biology

This is my " lilly" Diagram.
Today I did plant biology with Darryn. I learnt all the different parts of a flower and then we dissected a Lilly. The different parts of a flower are; Stigma, Style, Anther, Filament, Petal, Leaf, Stem, Ovary and Ovule. The life cycle; The stigma abzorbs the pollen and the pollen travels down the style and fertilizes the Ovules(eggs). Then the pollen comes back up into the Anthers and when the insect or bird comes to get the nectar, they bump the Anthers and get pollen on them. Then the bird or insect flys to another flower and the same thing happens again. Did you know that flowers have different colours and smells because different birds and insects are attracted to different scents and colours?
This is a picture of some pollen stuck to the stigma.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Waihopai river restoration

Today was the planting day that Madison, Me, Kate, Hannah, Anastasia and Pat organised. There were 250 plants to plant. Our group had to be at the dam at 8.30 to unpack all of the plants. There were about 32 kids and 12 adults incuding Darryn, Alana and Katie. We planted the trees so that when the river flooded the plants would trap all the mud and sediment. There were 4 different types of plants; Cabbage Tree, Toytoy, Red Tussock and Flax. Our goup emailed the Southland Times and they came down at 10.30am and interviewed our group and took some pictures of us with the wheelbarrow and spades. They also interveiwed Anastasia. We had to first dig a small hole in the ground, then you put the plant in and stamped it so the groun was firm, then you wrapped the felt blanket around the base of the plant to help stop the weeds, then you poked the bamboo through the holes in the felt and then slild the plastic cover over the bamboo to help protect the plant. It was really fun.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Coconut ice

Today we made another batch of coconut ice except we added and changed a few things like; a pinch of salt and we changed it to pink and white instead of pink and green. My mum didn't come in today so we had to make it by ourselves. For a start we didn't put in enough coconut or icing sugar so our mixture looked like porrige.
                                                               Coconut Ice recipe

icing sugar
This is kind of like what our coconut ice mixture looked like
in the first place.
condensed milk
desicated coconut
food colouring (your choice)                                      

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Custom Glitter Text

Sea Turtle
Prezawalski Horse
Coconut Ice
Today for passion time I am making coconut ice. My Mum is coming in to help. We are doing it to fundraise money so we can adopt an animal through WWF. I am going to adopt a Prezawalski horse, Madison is adopting a Sea Turtle and Hannah C is adopting a Amur Leopard. We are going to try and get at least $150 to get the 50 dollar packs. 
Amur Leopard

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Passion time

This is the type of horse I am going to adopt.
Today we did passion time. I am in a group with Madison and Hannah C. We are making coconut ice to raise money so we can adopt an animal off WWF ( world wildlife foundation).We are going to try and get at least $150 for the $50 adoption packs. Next week we are going to make the coconut ice with my mum. I am going to adopt a Prezawalski horse.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Custom Glitter Text

Today I did 3D drawing with Darryn. I did it last week so I knew what to do. To do the Rectangles over each other you had to draw a rectangle with two numbers that could be halfed (the biggest one on the top and  bottom and the smallest one on the sides) and half them and draw a smaller retangle diagonally up from the big one. Then you join top corners of the big rectangle to the top corners of the little rectangle and bottom corners of the big rectangle to the bottom corners of the little rectangle. Then if you want to make it look like the big rectanngle has been cut in half, you draw two line from one side of the top line to the other line and then from those lines you draw two lines going directly down. Then you draw little lines to connect the box together. You can make the box's solid or hollow.
This is my 3D drawing

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Custom Glitter Text

Today I started the enviormental project with Hannah M and Kate. We are going to plant trees/bushes/shrubs along the Waihopai River to stop the mud sliping into the water and clogging up the Waihopai river. We are hopefully going to get Anastazia from Enviorment Southland to help us. 

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Enviornment Southland

Today we had a lady from E.S ( Enviornment Southland) come in. She talked about the Waihopai River and Seaward Bush. The main thing that was wrong with the Waihopai river is that there is way too much mud on the river bed. There is so much mud there because river banks don't have trees or plants to hold the mud together and it is falling into the river.                                                            

Tuesday, July 17, 2012


This is on of his most famous painting, its called Bridge over a pond of lilies.
Today I did painting with Katie. We did impressionism painting based on the work of Claude Monet's lily pond paintings. We used blue, yellow, white, brown and red. The technique we used was called Tache - which means "touch" in French.        

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Custom Glitter Text

Today I did the term 2 self assessment. There were 10 sentence starters that we had to fill in.
This  is my asesment
Also today we played a game. Alana, Katie and Darryn went to see Wilson Makaslill and they got the game off him. We were in teams of 3 and everyone had to hold hands and make a circle. Then when Darryn clapped his hands your team had to jump, but if you didn't jump at the same time or have your feet together or you landed feet apart your team had to go back to the start. I was in a team with Neave and Madison F.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Custom Glitter Text

For my talent development I am doing photograghy. I have done some manipulated images. My images all have animals involved in them somehow. When we went to Queens park, I took a picture of the giant tap for my first picture.  

                                                                       These are my manipulated images..............


Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Custom Glitter Text

This is my tapa cloth when I finished it.
Today I finished my tapa cloth that I started last week. First I decided  on my pattern, then I sketched the design onto a piece of paper. After that I vivided my design. This week I finished the vivid and started to scrunch it up. I then dyed it a dark brown. I liked the fish on my design.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Bart Bonte - me and the key

This is my favouite level with the blocks.
I played the Bart Bonte duck game for my pick this morning. You have to get all of the keys which are hidden or they need to be touched by a ball. My favourite level is the one with blocks in a box and you have to move the blocks to find the key. Bart Bonte has a website with lots of other cool thinking games.


This is a bit what the colour I'd like my painting to be.

This is an arab horse, the breed that I'm going to paint.
Well, instead of doing the WOW dress I have changed to doing painting. I am painting a picture of a horses head with different shades of blue in the background. My horse is going to be dark brown with a black mane and forelock.It's going to have light brown eyes and a smile. I started with lightly sketching the ouline, then I painted the background. I mixed white and really dark blue to make a light blue that I liked. I paainted dark blue right at the top of the paper. I am going to paint an arab horse in next.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

WOW-world of wearable art

This dress is made out of old wool sacks stiched together.

For my passion time I'm doing a wearble arts wedding themed dress with Katie. We are making a dress made out of wire,paper towels and PVA glue. We were originally going to make it with balloons but we changed our minds. Darryn gave us the idea when we were stuck for ideas.

Here are some of the wearable arts. 
This one is made out of rimu,maple and beach tree
This one is made of soaked leather that has been
moulded and then dried.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Teacher Comment

Hi Hannah.
You showed great enthusiasm during our photography session on Tuesday morning.  That programme we used this morning was quite fun - I did laugh when I received your manipulated photo this afternoon! It was great to see you so interested in the Wearable Arts display we visited today.  There were some fabulous creations - I spent a lot of time wondering how the designers come up with their ideas.  Just amazing.  Keep up the great effort Hannah.  Katie.