Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Custom Glitter Text

Today I did 3D drawing with Darryn. I did it last week so I knew what to do. To do the Rectangles over each other you had to draw a rectangle with two numbers that could be halfed (the biggest one on the top and  bottom and the smallest one on the sides) and half them and draw a smaller retangle diagonally up from the big one. Then you join top corners of the big rectangle to the top corners of the little rectangle and bottom corners of the big rectangle to the bottom corners of the little rectangle. Then if you want to make it look like the big rectanngle has been cut in half, you draw two line from one side of the top line to the other line and then from those lines you draw two lines going directly down. Then you draw little lines to connect the box together. You can make the box's solid or hollow.
This is my 3D drawing

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Custom Glitter Text

Today I started the enviormental project with Hannah M and Kate. We are going to plant trees/bushes/shrubs along the Waihopai River to stop the mud sliping into the water and clogging up the Waihopai river. We are hopefully going to get Anastazia from Enviorment Southland to help us.