Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Custom Glitter Text

Today Madison, Hannah  and I decided that for passion time we were going to  Waikiwi vet to look at what a vet does for a day. We are going to go there next Tuesday in my mum's car at about 10.20 and are staying there for about a hour. 

 I did the variation key with Alana. Our group had to come up with
more than thirteeen ideas for ways to communicate without talking. We came up with eighteen.

Soon I am going to disect a eye ball!

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Plant Biology

This is my " lilly" Diagram.
Today I did plant biology with Darryn. I learnt all the different parts of a flower and then we dissected a Lilly. The different parts of a flower are; Stigma, Style, Anther, Filament, Petal, Leaf, Stem, Ovary and Ovule. The life cycle; The stigma abzorbs the pollen and the pollen travels down the style and fertilizes the Ovules(eggs). Then the pollen comes back up into the Anthers and when the insect or bird comes to get the nectar, they bump the Anthers and get pollen on them. Then the bird or insect flys to another flower and the same thing happens again. Did you know that flowers have different colours and smells because different birds and insects are attracted to different scents and colours?
This is a picture of some pollen stuck to the stigma.